Random thoughts

Yours' truly above, on Kitsilano beach, Vancouver, September 2004. As you can see, the photo is now proudly at the top of my blog (I still have no idea why the latest post jumps down after a couple of seconds- I hope it doesn't spoil your enjoyment (?!) of the blog).
Briefly on the subject of Vancouver, I bought the Time Out guide to Vancouver not so long back. I am a sucker for any tourist guides (whether in book or article form) of Vancouver- I guess it is a form of soft porn to me. Much of it wasn't too much of a surprise to me. However, the guide did slag off the press in Vancouver, which was a bit of a surprise to me, as I was quite impressed by the papers (both paid and free) when I have been over there. Compare London's Metro to Vancouver's version and there is no contest. Similarly Dose & 24, the other two Vancouver daily freesheets last time I was over, were impressive- I mean, one had a full page article on HL Mencken! I think Time Out's Guide was disparaging as it sees a potential nemesis. That is, a free weekly guide to London on the lines of the Georgia Straight. Time Out magazine is a good guide to entertainment possibilities in London (my advice to visitors to London is buy a copy of that if you want to know what is going on and where to go) but it is a few quid. If someone came up with a free equivalent a la the Georgia Straight for London it would hurt Time Out to say the least.
Anyway, enough such free paper talk. Lots to post, but I did come across this while wandering around the Net this morning. I enjoyed Pulp Fiction when it first came out, although now I do think Tarantino is a bit of a one-trick pony (you can't see him directing a version of War and Peace can you?). Anyway, you may want to test the quiz below...
![]() You are the king of smooth -- enough said. Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz. |
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